Lindleys-Life as we know it.

Wade, Deanna, Ryan, Colby, Taylor and Mayley

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mommy Rewards

This is what keeps me going!

Despite the fact that my sleeping, eating and bathing routines have completley been disrupted, and I have to schedule my bathroom breaks. I love this girl.


Jason & Claire said...

What a beautiful girl! Love that smile! Thanks for that picture...made my day;)

Tiffany said...

She is SOOO Adorable. Her picture just made me giggle, what a doll. I am so thrilled you finally got your little girl. I am absolutely positive that she will be the most spoiled one in your house. Hooray for little girls and all the fun stuff that comes with them. I am so excited for you to have a daughter. Congratulations Deanna!

Trish said...

what a sweet smile:) she is a cutie!

The Pfau's said...

Oh Man!! She seriously melts my heart!! I can't wait to see that smile as she tells you she wants to see the girl that won't ever say no because seriously even if I wanted to I couldn't say no to that sweet face.

aubri said...

She looks so pretty in this picture! I LOVE her eyes! Aw, i can't wait to see her and hold her. Love you guys!

Brett and Mandy said...

Seeing pictures of Mayley just makes my day! She is perfection, love her SO much! Sorry, but it just makes me laugh about having to schedule bathroom time, every time i start to think "i want a new baby again" i think about all that come with that and am reminded how grateful i am for new neices and nephews :) However we are VERY anxious to take her off your hands and give you a well deserved mommy break. Love you all!

Kimberly said...

What a doll!! And thanks so much for your sweet comment on my was such a boost! Love you!

Kenny, Tara, Ashley said...

Oh what a little darling! Her smile is just beautiful! Hope you are getting settled somewhat! Even if you do have to schedule bathroom breaks!

Laurel said...

She is darling!! New babies, despite taking over your entire life, are an absolute joy, aren't they??? I'm still falling madly in love with mine 11 months later. Mmm....

Robyn said...

Oh my gosh what a cute picture!!! Hey - have you received a package in the mail from me yet? I sent one 2 weeks ago...just checking 'cause I'm getting worried it's "lost in the mail." Keep posting pictures - I look almost everyday for updates! How's she feeling??? How are YOU?